
Call to Action for upcoming global Climate Strike on September 23rd

2022-10-13 12:21 call to action

The time to declare a Climate & Ecological Emergency was 40 years ago but the second best time is now!

As we come to the Global Climate Strike on 23rd September, we call on museums worldwide to join Museums For Future and declare a climate emergency with Culture Declares. So far, few museums have signed up to declare and we want to change that together. MFF knows that many museums are aware and are already taking action; this is an opportunity to join together and increase awareness about the action and agency of the museum sector!

Take these three simple steps to join our Call-to-Action:

1. On or before 23 September, sign up as a declarer, as an individual and, if possible, as a museum. (Campaign groups or networks can also sign up.)

2. Share the good news on Social Media and inspire others to join too using #MuseumsForFuture #CultureTakesAction #peoplenotprofit

3. Join a strike nearby on Sept 23rd and/or display one of our solidarity posters on your museum door, office door or at the strike.

p.s.: Root your plans in justice! To get you started after you declare, here are some useful resources: Museums for Climate JusticeCulture Declares action toolkitICOMOS Climate Justice & Equity toolkit.