Why is the MFF Resource Library useful?
Knowledge is power, and in climatically critical moments like this, organised knowledge in a library is amplified power, as it can be reached by more people more easily and facilitate action.
Who is able to join?
Everyone is welcome not only to join and use the MFF Resource Library, but also to contribute resources that they found valuable and relevant. By going to https://www.zotero.org and searching in the Groups for the name of the library, MuseumsForFutureLibrary, you can easily join and use the resources gathered there. For more information on how to join, please see the step-by-step guide included below. Our goal is to have as many open-access resources as possible, in as many languages as possible! So if you have a resource that you feel should be included in the library, please send us an email at library@museumsforfuture.org and let us know!
The MFF Library Team